Friday 22 May 2009

Take this Oyster cand and shove it up your ASSHOLE

the olympics are cmoing, and london is going about it with all the pomp and circumstance that you normally associate with the typical wife-beating foul mouthed wanker preparing for church on sunday.

yes, we are cleaning up the place, a lick of paint, some new pavements, france will be proud. and i now get the joy of sitting in traccif two hours ot travel 8 miles to work while some builder scratches his crack and lays another paving slab, in the exact same place where the previous paving slab was.

2 hours, 8 miles.
4 miles/hour.
1 mile in 15 minutes. wr is under 4 minutes. fitting that with the olympics coming to london we cant beat the 4 minute mile.

on public transport.

so, tell me, why do i enter this common law contract, whereby i provide some money for a service, and you then provide me with travel. i agree to stand at a designated spot and at a designated time, you agree to collect me, validate my papers, and provide me with transport, to my destination, in a timely fashion.

let me remiond you of english common law

at this rate, in this economic climate which you ponsy wankers have created by playing pyramid pyramid with house prices, I may well end up with no job because you wanted to make Stratford look pretty for some phot to be published in a newspaper and then promptly thrown away.

Here is a thought. 2 million more unemployed before 2010. The worst economic climate in a hundred years. Those bums sleeping rough, having their photos taken by foreign press will at least be sleeping on clean pavements.

I laugh,

Somebody, phone Guy Fawkes. We need some logic back in parliament.